
Province of Overijssel invests in Chip Industry in Twente

Provincie Overijssel invests in Twentse chip industry

The microchip sector is of great importance. It is used in phones, cars, and home appliances, as well as in medical equipment and industry. Fortunately, there are relatively many companies and educational and research institutions in Twente that are at the forefront of chip technology development.

Deputy Erwin Hoogland: “It is important that new generations of chips and production techniques can be developed in Twente. For employment and innovation in the region, but also the Netherlands and the countries around us. Europe needs a solid microchip sector that is less dependent on Asia and the US. That is why we are now investing in two more initiatives.”

New Origin develops the latest generation of chips

The province co-funds an initiative: a feasibility study on establishing New Origin. The University of Twente Holding founded this company, which focuses on developing and making photonic chips. These are chips that work with light instead of electricity. Devices can thus become smaller and more energy efficient. New Origin wants to establish at Kennispark Twente.

TNO comes to Twente

The province is contributing 1.5 million euros to the establishment and cooperation of the research institute TNO with the University of Twente. Twente Board has reserved the same amount for concrete projects resulting from the cooperation. The cooperation focuses on photonic chips, medical technology (organ-on-a-chip), and digital systems for predicting the maintenance of civil infrastructure. The establishment of TNO is expected to lead to 40-50 additional jobs in the coming years. The presence of TNO is also important for Twente’s high-tech profile and the region’s attractiveness for technical talent.

Source: Provincie Overijssel


  • New Origin
  • Hengelosestraat 500
  • Building The Gallery
  • 7521 AN Enschede
  • info@neworigin.eu


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